Self Help For Anxiety Natural Ways To Beat Anxiety

Anxiety attacks usually come on without warning and they also tend to strike at the worst time possible. These attacks are very incapacitating as they will interfere with just about every aspect of your life, making your daily routine extremely difficult to cope with.

As a sufferer of anxiety you will have come to recognize the symptoms of an attack which will be different for each individual person but may include a faster heart rate, feeling dizzy, being short of breath, perspiring excessively etc. Many of us will turn to medication to help us deal with these symptoms, perhaps that “as needed” tranquillizer or other prescribed drug aimed at “calming down” the symptoms. However it is possible to deal with our anxiety using more natural methods, some of which are listed below.

  • Exercise

get regular daily exercise whenever possible, a proven way to keep anxiety at bay, if you feel an anxiety attack coming on try taking a brisk walk or if the weather is bad outside spend 15 minutes on an exercise machine, you will be pleasantly surprised how this will take your mind off your anxiety. best CBD oil for anxiety can also be bought online if you wish to get rid of the stress and depression as soon as possible. The list of the best cbd oil can be found online and the reviews regarding the same can also be seen. Always consider the reviews before you buy the oil.

  • Sleep

make sure you get adequate sleep at night time, but try to avoid sleeping during the day as this will make it difficult to sleep well at night.

  • Eat well

take a look at your diet, perhaps add some more nutritious foods and cut out too much sugar, fat and processed foods. Watch your caffeine intake, if you drink a lot of coffee this could be contributing to your anxiety, cut down and replace with plenty of water, juices etc.

  • Relaxation

daily relaxation techniques can go a long way in preventing the symptoms of an anxiety or panic attack, deep breathing exercises are an excellent way to relax, perhaps whilst listening to some soothing and calming music.

  • A special person to turn to

someone who understands what you are going through, perhaps they too are suffering or have suffered with anxiety in the past, this could be a family member or a close friend.

  • Group therapy

ask your doctor for information on group therapy in your area, it can be a great help to know there are other people going through the very same issues you are and hearing their stories and how they deal with their anxiety on a daily basis can be very encouraging.

If you practice the above daily you will find some relief from your anxiety and or panic symptoms, it will not be easy and will take time to make an impact on your life but it will be worth it long term.

If your anxiety or panic symptoms are extreme and increasingly frightening then do seek help from your doctor who will be able to help you or refer you to a specialist, someone trained in the mental health field who will recognize what you are going through and will know the best treatment options for your individual circumstances.


Alma is a travel enthusiast who loves visiting historical sites. Besides this, she loves creative writing and shares her views on the different events that are going around her.