The Lord of the Rings- What to Take Home

The job market is at its worst phase today and that is primarily because of cut throat competition and blatant nepotism where the elite class is hell bent on handing over their business and property to their spoilt brats.

Another factor that needs to be looked into here is that nearly 43% of the population of most countries is illiterate, especially in rural areas that don’t even know how to write their own name.

Therefore, parents have made it a point to make their children the studious type by making them read comic books and stories from their favorite novels in order to foster their reading and writing skills.

The credit goes for novelists like JK Rowling whose Harry Potter books have attained cult status and is the main reason why young children took reading like a house on fire, astonishing even their parents.

New Take

Today we are going to talk about another interesting book series that has been made into a successful movie franchise that has attained global fame in the form of The Lord of the Rings.

Everyone knows about the films and talking about it is like showing candle to the sun but very few people, especially today’s generation, know that there was also a book series for it.

It was written by J.R.R Tolkien and is in fact a sequel to his own earlier novel The Hobbit, which came out in 1937, but this is one of the rare occasions in art where the sequel totally overshadowed the original.

The main antagonist is the most popular character around whom the story revolves, which is quite natural that you need to have a strong and terrifying villain to increase the stature of the protagonist and this piece of work was no different.

Dark Lord Sauron is his name and like any good ‘bad guy’ he dreams of world dominion where the entire world is under his fingertips and dances to his tunes, which is why he is also considered a modern day manifestation of Satan.

This whole new take of the story being told from the villain’s perspective is what makes this novel a must read and one that should be on the bookshelf of every house which is why it was such a blockbuster film.

Pros and Cons 

Every story has its share of pros and cons and this one is no different so let us list out some of them.


  1. A trilogy to die for, it is compelling and full of suspense right up to the climax with many twists and turns
  2. Many people still as questions like ‘Was Gandalf actually tall?’ and compare his knowledge and wizardry to Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter and nothing needs to be said more
  3. The fantasy genre has created a fan following that is unprecedented because it does not hesitate to show gore unlike Hobbits, which is more light hearted


  1. The details are ridiculous with some deviations from the main story
  2. Compared to The Hobbit, the back story of the protagonist is quite confusing that does not fully does justice to his capabilities

Alma is a travel enthusiast who loves visiting historical sites. Besides this, she loves creative writing and shares her views on the different events that are going around her.

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